about me

Passionate civil engineering student driven by design, innovation, and community.

Connor Lantz

Hey there, I'm Connor, an aspiring civil engineer with a keen eye for design, a love for hands-on DIY projects, and an insatiable curiosity that fuels my constant drive for learning. With a blend of creativity and analytical thinking, I thrive on transforming ideas into tangible solutions that make a positive impact.

My Projects

Every project tells a story of innovation, where creativity meets engineering, and challenges become opportunities.

Connor Lantz

Welcome to a collection of my diverse projects, each a unique reflection of my passion for innovation, creativity, and problem-solving. As you navigate through these pages, you'll discover a world where ideas come to life and challenges are embraced as opportunities.

Work Experience

"You can't build a reputation on what you're going to do." - Henry Ford

Connor Lantz

As I progress through my academic and professional journey in civil engineering, I've had the privilege of gaining hands-on experience that complements my formal education. My career path has been enriched by three pivotal roles: my work terms at Winnipeg Traffic Signals and Dillon Consulting, and my current position as a Teaching Assistant (TA) with the Graphics for Civil Engineers class at the University of Manitoba.